“Eye” is a most important organ allowing us see things clearly and is very important for daily life and normal activities. So “Eye” should be treated carefully, delicately and treated promptly.
Eye Department, Jomtien Hospital is to provide recommendations and treatment by ophthalmologists for those who have eye problems team using international standards and state-of-the-art equipment under the care of medical and nurse team.
There are many conditions that can cause damage to the eyes. The cause of the diseases can be from several reasons such as eye usage in front of computer for long period of time, irritation from environment exposure containing wind, dust, dirt or heat sunlight for long time, lens degeneration etc.
► Change blurry vision, restore clarity to the eyes again Eye Department, Jomtien Hospital
► Providing special package price for cataract surgery
For making advanced appointment contact Eye Department, Jomtien Hospital Tel. 0 3312 5999